Runway Room Modern Slavery Policy


Runway Room is committed to conducting its business in an ethical, lawful, and socially responsible manner. We believe that all forms of modern slavery are reprehensible and have no place in our operations or supply chains. This Modern Slavery Policy outlines our approach and practices to recognize and prevent these activities in any part of our business either directly or through our suppliers.

Scope of Policy:

This policy applies to all individuals working for or on behalf of Runway Room in any capacity, including employees at all levels, directors, officers, agency workers, contractors, external consultants, third-party representatives, and business partners. It also extends to all our suppliers and subcontractors.

Policy Statements:

  1. Ethical Sourcing of Materials and Ingredients:

    • Runway Room will rigorously assess and monitor our supply chains to ensure ethical sourcing practices.
    • We expect all suppliers to comply with environmental and social standards, and to provide transparent documentation verifying the origins of materials and ingredients.
    • Suppliers involved in any violation against ethical sourcing will be subject to review and potential termination of contracts.
  2. Child Labour:

    • We have zero-tolerance for child labor in our operations and supply chains.
    • All suppliers are expected to comply with local and international laws concerning the minimum age of employment.
    • Suppliers must implement adequate age-verification mechanisms and not engage in or support the use of child labor.
  3. Migrant Workers:

    • We are committed to protecting the rights of migrant workers.
    • Suppliers must ensure that migrant workers are not subject to discrimination, unfair treatment or illegal working conditions.
    • No fees or costs for recruitment or continued employment are to be borne by the migrant workers.
  4. Fees To Work:

    • Neither Runway Room nor any of its suppliers may charge workers any form of fee for the opportunity to work.
    • Employment must not be contingent upon the payment of such fees and any such practices must be reported and corrected immediately.
  5. Employee Health and Safety Policy:

    • All suppliers are required to provide safe and healthy working conditions for their workers.
    • Suppliers must have a comprehensive Employee Health and Safety Policy in place and ensure it is communicated to and understood by their employees.
    • Regular audits will be conducted to ensure compliance with this requirement.


  • Management Responsibility: Senior management is responsible for the implementation and oversight of this policy.
  • Employee Responsibility: All employees must understand and comply with this policy. Suspicions of any breach of the policy must be reported immediately.
  • Supplier Responsibility: Suppliers are expected to uphold these standards and will provide regular and complete documentation of their compliance.

Compliance & Reporting:

Violations of this policy will be taken very seriously and may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment or business relationships. Concerns should be brought to the attention of direct supervisors, or alternatively, through Runway Room's reporting channels.

Review and Approval:

This policy will be reviewed annually and may be amended at any time. It has been approved by Runway Room's Board of Directors and is supported by senior management who are responsible for its implementation and periodic review.